Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Choice...do you have it or don't you?

photo by: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamieca/

Choice. Top to bottom, start to finish...it is all about choice! We are on a journey of choice. Oh so exciting, the endless possibilities of it all...pick and choose, it is all right there. We have choice!

Or do we?

Yes, we can pick what we eat, what we wear, what we think...or do we?

How closely have we examined those choices? Do we think of our own basic needs; hunger, clothes to serve a function - warmth, keeping cool etc., and what about thought...well of course we control those...don't we???

What do we do that we are fully in choice about?

Is it too much to think about the collective impact of our choices? Have we become so far removed from each other that we cannot 'see' our connection?

Even though the global population has never been higher. The ways to communicate with each other, no matter the distance, has never been easier. Information is at our finger tips, literally. It is a world 'on demand' and ready to go.

Yes, we live in a world of convenience. Well...for those who can afford it.

We do not have to sew our own clothes anymore. There are lots of countries with many young workers willing to take care of our sewing, high fashion needs. We don't have to really cook any more. We can buy fully prepared food at our local grocery store and just warm it, nuke it...it is ready to be consumed. We can go to a fast food place - please do not make me wait more than two minutes for my 'food' - and get enough calories for a couple of days and take many, many more to digest or process the already over processed delight that we called dinner.

Thank goodness we are at choice!

We do not have to succumb to pressure on how to live, decorate, dress, eat, communicate...no we are human beings with the capacity to make informed decisions. Whew! We are at choice.

We know that we need rain forests, agriculture, a thriving eco-system, healthy oceans, clean air, water...oh yes, clean water, the animal kingdom and natural resources.

We know that we need to work with - not control, live in harmony - not discord with this planet that we call home. Yes, yes, thankfully we are humans beings with the capacity to see the big picture and our place within the synchronicty of it all.

For a minute I was getting worried. Silly me...I thought we forgot our connection with everything and anything, all and nothing. I thought we forgot that war was never the road to peace, control and domination for a few lead to the suppression of many more. Power over instead of power with creates the cycle that never ends...

I am relieved. We are creative beings in the process of creating the life that we see.

Thank goodness we are at choice to make that look however we wish!

Sound simple??

It is.


Natalie said...

It is profoundly simple, and difficult too.
Education is the way forward, I think, Michele.

Michele Cronkhite said...

Absolutely...the more we share, the more open we are to learn and grow.